Is zich al gereed aan het maken om daarnaar toe te gaan.?
Of geld nog steeds die 5000km?
De ravage schijnt enorm te zijn.
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voor de geinteresseerden onder ons.
Earthquake in Indonesia
08:00 27/05/06
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has occurred 25 km (15 miles) SSW of Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia (pop 419,000).
Reports indicate that older buildings are the ones that have suffered most damage and collapse. Large hotels have evacuated people, and local residents are outside on the streets. Some big buildings have collapsed including Bantul hospital.The local authorities and hospitals appear capable of handling the situation although assistance is needed for medical teams and orthopaedic related specialities.
No decision has been taken at this point by the Indonesian Government to request international assistance, however OCHA is alerting the UNDAC team as a precautionary measure.
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